Sunday, May 20, 2012

Mile 466

Mile 466

We have been at trail days since Wed. It's definitely time to leave though the break was nice and much needed. We found ourselves searching for more than absolute boredom, mostly because without the fact we wanted to see what the trail days hoopla was about; we probably would have never visited the town of Damascus lol. We have decided to just take in the experience for what it is and not to be compared to the time we would have with family and friends. long story short we are bored out of our minds and ready to start hiking again. We managed to send home 18 more lbs of pack weight haha. I bought a whole new and lighter pack and now Leif and I our right at about 30 lbs in our packs with full chow supply and 3 liters of water to start the day. Amazing considering we hiked through Georgia with 50 lb packs!!!


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  1. Hope dropping that extra 20lbs helps you guys hike more miles per day with less fatigue especially going up hill!!!! Keep it up...Maine is just around the corner! :)
