Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Mile 1125

Mile 1125

It's been a few weeks since I posted last, a lot happening on the trail these days. Coda is official off the trail for now at least, doing 18 plus miles in 100 degree heat is to much for her. 
So she is back in Georgia; in air condition lying on a couch.

We walked through Harperss ferry, WV which was motivating ; then went to see my sis and parents for the Holiday weekend, Leif's parents came to grab coda, which made it really nice. My brother and sister put on a BBQ show like usual, and we really appreciated it! Seriously I think that single weekend was my rejuvenation to hike the second half of our trip. We are now officially more than half way,  it is a good feeling to be on the down slide. it's definitely something special to travel so far I'm proud of what we have done and continue to do every day it is not easy mentally or physically.
I will be In touch soon.


                                                                     Harper's Ferry

                                                        Nomad At Washington State Park
                                                                1st Washington Monument
                                                            Crossing I-70 In Pennsylvania
                                                   Half Way Baby!! PA Your Son Is Back!!



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. A little disappointed that there was no mention of the trail magic you experienced in Harpers Ferry...but I'm glad I can now follow the rest of your progress. It was great meeting you and good luck! (Also, Alexis found a phone charger that was left behind. She sent you an email about it)
