Sunday, June 17, 2012

Mile 622

Mile 622

10 June

I have decided to write content that will help readers and projected thru hikers alike , better understand the Nature of the AT.
A few days ago I was chatting with a thru hiker at a shelter and the the question he posed to me was " why are you hiking the AT" normally I respond with some politically correct term such as , getting back to basics and getting out if the system. This time I thought to myself for a second the true nature of a Thru hiker; and I responded " well I gess we all are running from something , or in search of something else". And realistically speaking it's true. He responds dude, that's about the best way I have heard it put. I think alot of it revolves around me finally putting to rest some of the Demons I have battled or come across while on deployment and there after. I wanted to finally clear my head, and try to put what I have learned; putting it to good use so others could benifit. And I will; help that is , other veterans and aspiring veterans prepare themselves for the animal that awaits once they sign the dotted line to join and to leave the military. I guess that's my inspirational rant for now lol.


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