Sunday, June 17, 2012

Mile 726

Mile 726
16 June

A few things -
I would have to say yesterday was one of the most amazing days on the AT that I have experienced so far.
We started with a 26 mile slack pack from 4 pines Hostel. Pack or no pack 26 miles is the longest distance I have ever traveled in one direction at any one time , I still can't really comprehend how far that is, but it was a marathon over mountains smh crazy! But we did it.
I had and amazing picture taken on mackafee knob, which is a spiritual waypoint on the AT. After that was tinker cliffs , another amazing view. So I come down off the mountain in to a gully, and I see in front a fawn( baby deer) u kidding me. You could live your entire life and not see a fawn in the wild! A humbling experience , I kept looking around for the mom as to not get stomped by a 300 lb deer lol. I got it on video. Check it out!!!! till next time


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